Forms - Practice

Forms are one of the many ways interacting with users.

As with all good web design the forms should be accessible. This class will give you the basics, some advanced information, and some things to think about when making accessible forms. As a starting point let's look at an accessible and an inaccessible form...and let's listen to the forms using a screen reader.

An Accessible Example

All items marked in  dark blue are required.

Your dog's favorite foods:

Empty my bank account to pay for the food:

What's inaccessible about this form? (Non-accessible example)

All items marked in red are required.

First Name Middle Initial Last Name

Dog's Name

Your dog's favorite foods:


is my dogs size.

Empty my bank account to pay for the food:


Note: on the <select> - it's a dropDOWN, not a dropUP. Put default at the TOP, not bottom or middle.