Some Basics ...

A word about COLOR

No Accessibility issues with Table Borders (mostly)

Color used to convey information in text or cell backgrounds ... DOES have issues - use a link and aria-labelledby

as always - WATCH YOUR CONTRAST! (even on borders)

Be sure to add some visual indicator for cells where color has a specific meta meaning.

San Jose - Travel Expense Report
Dates Meals Hotels Transport subtotals
25-Aug-97 <37.74 112.00 45.00
26-Aug-97 27.28 112.00 45.00
subtotals 65.02 224.00 90.00 379.02

<item over per diem

San Jose - Travel Expense Report

<td bgcolor="red">

  <a href="#over" aria-labelledby="over">&lt;</a>

/* aria-labelledby only works on focusable elements, so used a link */

<td bgcolor="#00FF66">112.00</td>
<td bgcolor="#333366">45.00</td>


<p id="over"><span style="background-color:red;"><strong>item</strong></span> over per diem</p>

NOTE: Back Button returns user to their previous location in the table.

Practice table - add caption, headers, and explain the table